Cleaning Verification Stations Healthmark Industries Infection Control Tips

Video Of The Week: Flexible Inspection Scope Verification


Did you know that your flexible scope cleaning station could be equipped with a flexible inspection scope verification tool like this one? It’s a small price to pay to ensure that all the ‘nooks and crannies’ are being scrubbed and cleaned of bio-burden. No human eye can possibly detect all the possible places bio-burden may be hiding. Why put your patient and your hospital at risk? Take the extra step and get a better view of your scopes once they have been “cleaned”. Need further verification? Healthmark Industries is the leader is cleaning verification tools for these scopes. With EndoCheck™, ChannelCheck™, Pro-Check™ and HemoCheck™. Click here to learn more or call Houston Hospital Services, Inc at 713-640-5393 for more information!